March 14, 2024


From a young age, Lt. Gen. 查尔斯·普卢默(Charles Plummer)出生于1993年,他知道自己想要做一些比自己更重要的事情. 而且,像任何成功的律师或军事领袖一样,他总是在为下一步行动做准备.

Today, 普卢默担任美国空军和太空部队的总法官(TJAG), 他在那里领导司法部长团. He says he didn’t initially pursue a career in law. A graduate of State University of New York, Brockport, 他获得了刑事司法学士学位,辅修政治学. “我以为我会成为一名纽约州骑警,他在罗切斯特公设辩护人办公室(Rochester Public Defender’s Office)和罗切斯特警察局(Rochester Police Department)实习后,开始考虑到FBI工作.

“我以为法学院会增加我进入联邦调查局的机会,”这位土生土长的锡拉丘兹人回忆道. While applying to law school, his parents relocated to Cincinnati, 所以他同时申请了纽约和俄亥俄州的大学.

普卢默说,他研究了一些学校,被威尼斯人平台法学院(Capital University Law School)吸引,因为它的律师资格考试通过率很高. It’s a decision that he never regretted.

“资本在我心中占有特殊的地位,”他说. “无论你如何定义成功,资本都在其中发挥了巨大作用. 我想,如果没有这些了不起的教授,我不可能来到这里,是他们塑造了我,让我取得了今天的成功.”

普卢默的CapLaw文凭自豪地挂在他五角大楼办公室的墙上. 但这并不是他唯一的记忆. 他仍然与法学院的一些同学保持联系.

“学生们——我的同学们——还有老师们让它变得特别,” he says of his time in Columbus. “那里有一个社区,一种同志情谊,我有美好的回忆.”

He credits a number of faculty members, including former Interim Dean Brian Freeman, Professor Emerita Jean Mortland, Michael Distelhorst教授和Stan Darling名誉教授, with preparing him for his future roles. “All of them really laid the foundation,” he says. “I still have all my green Hornbooks from Capital.”

As TJAG, 普卢默是空军部长的法律顾问, the Chief of Staff of the Air Force, the Chief of Space Operations, 以及空军部门的所有官员和机构. In addition, he has oversight of more than 2,200 judge advocates, 350 civilian attorneys, 1,400 enlisted paralegals and 500 civilian employees.

“资本确实为这些研究的基本技能奠定了基础, critical thinking, and analytical thinking,” he says. 普卢默强调,他每天都在运用在《威尼斯人官网》学到的东西.  对基础技能的关注使他在每一份工作中都表现出色,并使其成为整个兵团的重点项目, 首先是空军法官辩护总长学校的学生.

“我一直想参与比自己更重要的事情,” says Plummer, 还拥有雪城大学的法学硕士学位, in addition to numerous military degrees. “Law enabled me to do that.”

Thinking about his family history, 普卢默说,他一直想为国家服务,他相信他的家族史可能对这个自称为“纽约北部蓝领男孩”的人起了作用.”

在他父亲那边,他的一个直系亲属是121世纪的st New York Volunteers who fought in the Civil War. 普卢默仍然保留着他的出院文件和战斗日记.

On his mother’s side, 他的曾祖父从意大利移民过来,曾在意大利海军服役, and his maternal grandfather was enlisted in the U.S. Navy during World War II and the Korean War.

An uncle was a Vietnam-era Marine. 普卢默描述了一张他蹒跚学步时看到叔叔从锡拉丘兹灰狗巴士站离开的照片. 他承认服兵役可能是他长期以来根深蒂固的想法.

普卢默的职业生涯把他带到了全国乃至世界各地. 1995年9月,他被直接任命进入空军. He served as the Staff Judge Advocate to the 3rd 在韩国光州空军基地的空军远征大队担任参谋法官并在约旦担任联合特别行动特遣队的辩护律师.

虽然他说他很喜欢他所分配的每一个任务, 他承认,从2008年到2010年,他在参谋长联席会议主席办公室为海军上将迈克尔·马伦(Michael Mullen)担任副法律顾问,这是他最难忘的时光之一.

“Every day, 我在做一些从头条上抄下来的东西, and there were many classified things, too,” he says. “我在那里的工作涵盖了国土防御等各个方面, to contingency plans for the Vancouver Olympics, to the Haiti earthquake, to repeal of Don’t Ask Don’t Tell, to ballistic missile defense from Iran and North Korea.”

Though he has been highly decorated, including receiving a Distinguished Service Medal, Legion of Merit with two oak leaf clusters, Defense Meritorious Service medal, 奖章上有三片橡树叶, and an Air and Space Commendation Medal, 当被问及哪项成就让他最自豪时,普卢默毫不犹豫.

As a first-generation college graduate, 他说,这是“从布罗克波特毕业和从资本公司毕业的结合”, in tandem with passing the New York Bar. 这三件事是我们家最引以为豪的,”他说.

他承认,当他被提升为上校时,他“欣喜若狂”,更不用说中尉了. General, Plummer remains humble. “我还是那个在Capital工作时的蓝领孩子.”

他说,在军法军团,律师的机会很多. “我们提供很多指导和职业咨询,你必须自我评估,了解自己,” Plummer says. “但是考虑到我们工作的所有法律领域——军事司法, international law, government contracts and acquisitions, labor law, environmental law, 甚至是宪法和行政法的复杂问题——在军法军团中,你可以选择各种各样的途径. 但这是更宏大计划的一部分:为一项事业服务,超越自我.”

Department of The Air Force Official Biography: